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Shift Framework is using EF Core 6. And most entities need to inherit from ShiftEntity

├─ StockPlusPlus.API
├─ StockPlusPlus.Data
│   ├── AutoMapperProfiles
│   ├── Entities
│       ├── Brand.cs
│   ├── Migrations
│   ├── ReplicationModels
│   ├── Repositories
│   ├── DB.cs
├─ StockPlusPlus.Functions
├─ StockPlusPlus.Shared
├─ StockPlusPlus.Test
├─ StockPlusPlus.Web

Shift Entity

Entities inheriting from ShiftEntity seamlessly integrate with the framework.

public class Brand : ShiftEntity<Brand>
    public string Name { get; set; } = default!;
    public string? Description { get; set; }
    public string? Code { get; set; }

The ShiftEntity base class will add the following properties:

Property Type Description
ID long The primary key of the entity.
CreateDate DateTimeOffset The UTC datetime assigned during creation and never updated.
LastSaveDate DateTimeOffset The UTC datetime of the last time this entity is saved (Created, Updated, or Deleted)).
LastReplicationDate DateTimeOffset? The UTC datetime of the last time the entity has been replicated to CosmosDB.
CreatedByUserID long? The User ID assigned during creation and never updated.
LastSavedByUserID long? The User ID of the last user that has saved the entity (Created, Updated, or Deleted).
IsDeleted bool Soft Delete Flag.
RegionID long? The Region ID assigned during creation and never updated.
CompanyID long? The Company ID assigned during creation and never updated.
CompanyBranchID long? The Company Branch ID assigned during creation and never updated.

Temporal (System Versioned)

Use the TemporalShiftEntity attribute to enable Temporal Table (Currently available on SQL Server Only).

public class Brand : ShiftEntity<Brand>
    public string Name { get; set; } = default!;
    public string? Description { get; set; }
    public string? Code { get; set; }

Shift Entity Key And Name

There are certain features in the Framework that requires you to specify a Key and Name property for an entity.

This can be specified using the ShiftEntityKeyAndName attribute.

[ShiftEntityKeyAndName(nameof(ID), nameof(Name))]
public class Brand : ShiftEntity<Brand>
    public string Name { get; set; } = default!;
    public string? Description { get; set; }
    public string? Code { get; set; }