AutoMapper Profiles

Shift Framework is using AutoMapper to map from and to Entities.

├─ StockPlusPlus.API
├─ StockPlusPlus.Data
│   ├── AutoMapperProfiles
│       ├── ProductCategory.cs
│   ├── Entities
│   ├── Migrations
│   ├── ReplicationModels
│   ├── Repositories
│   ├── DB.cs
├─ StockPlusPlus.Functions
├─ StockPlusPlus.Shared
├─ StockPlusPlus.Test
├─ StockPlusPlus.Web

A simple Mapping Profile looks like this:

public class ProductCategory : Profile
    public ProductCategory()
        //Maps Entity to DTO. Then DTO to Entity by calling ReverseMap()
        CreateMap<Entities.Product.ProductCategory, ProductCategoryDTO>()

        CreateMap<Entities.Product.ProductCategory, ProductCategoryListDTO>();